Henry Rider Haggard`s wonderfully dramatic imagination, combined with his deep knowledge of Africa, is nowhere shown more clearly than in King Solomon`s Mines Written in 1885, not long after Haggard`s return бхцхшfrom Africa, and when he was struggling to earn a living as a lawyer, the book was hailed by his publishers as `The Most Amazing Book Ever Written` The story of the adventures of Allan Quatermain, Sir Henry Curtis, and Captain John Good is truly extraordinary Settinвдэзэg out from Natal in South Africa in search of Sir Henry`s younger brother, who has disappeared after going north in search of the fabulous treasures of Ring Solomon`s Mines, the expedition has a series of thrilling adventures, crossing a scorching desert and freezing mountain before reaching the unknown kingdom of Kukuanaland, where a ferocious war breaks out There are many more dangers and surprises in store before Rider Haggard brings his classic adventure story to a triumphant conвпичэclusion Содержание Introduction Предисловие c 7-20 King Solomon`s Mines Роман c 21-367 Автор (показать всех авторов) Генри Райдер Хаггард Henry Rider Haggard Родился в 1856 году в Уэст-Брэднем Холле, графство Норфолк Учился в Лондоне, затем в Ипсвиче Пытался записаться в армию, но не был принят по состоянию здоровья, и в 1875 году уехал в Южную Африку - работать секретарем при сэре Генри Булвере, .