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A Christmas Promise Издательство: Jove, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 336 стр ISBN 0-515-14171-2 Язык: Английский Формат: 105x175 инфо 4771z.

James Cameron, a minister who runs a mission in Central America, has decided to spend the holidays in Cape Light But when his car collides with another car, a hint of trouble befalls this close-knit communityбхчфм No one is hurt, but out-of-towner Leigh Baxter is forced to stay in town until her car is fixed What she doesn't expect, however, is that the charm of this beautiful seaside hamlet and its citizens will soon win her over - and that she will fall in love with James, вдэщжwho has so generously welcomed her into his life But will James accept Leigh in his heart once her dark secrets come to light? In the meantime, Jessica and Sam Morgan's relationship is put to the test More than anything else this Christmas, they want a baby to call their own But soon they'll discover that life's most precious gifts often come in unexpected packages Авторы Thomas Kinkade Katherlne Spencer.